Wiki verdun battle
Wiki verdun battle

wiki verdun battle

↑ The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol.28, (J.B.During the battle the chief of the German General Staff, Erich Von Falkenhayn, was relieved from duty and sent to lead a joint Austrian, German and Bulgarian attack on Romania, leaving Paul Von Hindenburg as Chief of Staff. After the battle the landscape was left as one of the worst battlegrounds on all of France, filled with craters of the artillery, the trenches, the odor left by the dead, etc. The French commander, Marshall Philippe Pétain, used a system of rotation by which every division in France fought for a short time at Verdun. The battle lowered into a matter of prestige for the two nations, and started being fought for the sake of fighting and honor, according to German command Paul Von Hindenburg. It is situated on the battlefield, close to the destroyed village of Fleury-devant-Douaumont in the dpartement of Meuse in north-eastern France. From a strategic point of view, there can be no justification for these terrible losses. The Verdun Memorial is a war memorial to commemorate the Battle of Verdun, fought in 1916 as part of the First World War. The battlefield was not even a square ten kilometres. The battle, which lasted from 21 February 1916 until 19 December 1916, caused over an estimated 700,000 casualties (dead, wounded and missing). There were many attacks and counterattacks one small village changed hands 16 times. Never before or since has there been such a long battle, involving so many men, fought on such a tiny piece of land. The Battle of Verdun is considered the biggest and longest in world history. They also speak about the Hell of Verdun or the Blood pump.

wiki verdun battle

Never before was industrialisation so visible in war. Both sides lost about 337,000 soldiers each. It ended on December 18 of that year but the front line had not changed very much. It started when the German Fifth Army attacked French positions, near Verdun, on February 21, 1916. The Battle of Verdun was fought from 21 February 18 December 1916 during the First World War on the Western Front between the German and French armies. Verdun is the first multiplayer FPS set in an authentic World War One setting offering a rarely seen battlefield experience. The Battle of Verdun was a battle of the First World War.

Wiki verdun battle